[WriteLog] BARTG and TIME
Phil Cooper
Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 17:46:22 -0000
Hi all,
Well, after seeing the excerpt form Jamie's log, I can agree that WL does
not record the actual log time of the contact. It only records the time that
was sent as part of the exchange!
I would think this is wrong, as on several occasions, I was asked for a
repeat, or had to ask for a repeat, which took maybe another minute or two
to complete, and the time that went into the log file was the time I sent as
the exchange, and not the time of QSO completion.
I did note at the time that this was the case, but didn't worry about it too
much, as I had put my faith in WL.
I do not see how a "fix" can be produced properly for this error, as there
is no way of telling what time the actual QSO was logged now.
However, the only thing I can suggest is to "manipulate" the Cabrillo file
to include the logged time as the sent time.
73 to all de Phil GU0SUP