[WriteLog] Voice keying Writelog to Kenwood TS-850S Question/problem
Coker, Timothy J
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:16:07 -0800
Hi, I just got my audo hum (ground loop) problem fixed by putting
the reccommended Radio Shack Isolator inline on an insulated audio patch
(mono) cable running from speaker out on the sound card to my microphone
input on the MFJ Voice Keyer 434 then on to my TS-850S. Quite a simple fix
All is working well as for getting audio to my radio and to
transmit. I do have a new problem though with this setup. I'm running the
audio into the same line as my Heil's microphone input using a mono y-cable.
The audio is fairly clean at low volume. I get a noise that sounds like a
room full of computer power supplies when trying to equalize the recorded
Writelog audio with my spoken audio by turning up the microphone gain or
speech processor. The noise isn't terrible at low volume... but I don't
produce normal output levels from my rig. I lowered the output level from
the sound board and raised the mic gain, found an equalized ALC level and
have a tad of distortion. The problem exists with or without the rig's
speech processor turned on.
I've got RF Choke's on the audio cables. The recording on the
computer is fine, my mic input is normally fine without the computer sound
board connected. But when I put the computer soundboard inline my Heil
microphone input volume is really low. I haven't been able to figure out yet
how to get the audio output from my soundcard to the ACC-2 connection
(FSK/AFSK/Packet), which I think might fix this problem. I'm pretty
uneducated about the technical stuff and am relearning things as I go with
getting back into the hobby.
Has anybody experienced the same sort of thing? I like not having to
reach for my MFJ Keyer to turn off looped messages when someone calls and
would like to get things working properly. Thanks, Tim.