[WriteLog] SO2R with RITTY and MMTTY

Jim Smith jimsmith@shaw.ca
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 02:07:13 -0800

I also use RITTY with WL.  Sometimes it seems to work well on weaker 
signals and sometimes it doesn't.  (No multipath or polar flutter.)  I 
have this feeling that if the audio level isn't right RITTY doesn't work 
as well as it can.  I have tried running it by itself in a DOS box and, 
with audio levels adjusted appropriately using the settings available in 
RITTY it was great.  Under WL the ability to set RITTY parameters 
doesn't seem to be there and the performance is far from great.  i.e. if 
the relatively weak signal were cw instead of RTTY it would be solid 
copy as opposed to mostly garbage.

Do you RITTY users get good weak signal performance from RITTY when used 
with WL?

Am I missing something?

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO

John Cashen wrote:

> During my shortened BARTG effort(I even missed XR0X, although I did 
> hear his pileup) I took a little time to compare RITTY with MMTTY.