[WriteLog] Re: "Server Busy" Message ... (Billy Cox)

Alessandro Salvatico asalvatico@tin.it
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 20:57:30 +0100

I also have some comment to add to this issue. I am currently using the
following config:

Pentium MMX 133 MHz, 48 M RAM, Win 98
Com1, addr 03f8-03ff, irq 4: FSK
Com2, addr 02f8-02ff, irq 3: Kenwood control
Com3, addr 03e8-03ef, irq 4: PK232-packet

1 - If Rttyrite is open (FSK) and I try to start packet on PK232 I get the
server busy message and the program freeze; the only way to get out is to
kill the application, sometimes it requires a complete reboot.

2 - Recently I moved up from Rttyrite to MMTTY (excellent RTTY
demodulator!). When using MTTY the server busy message usually does not come
up; unfortunately I cannot use packet since characters do not show up on the
screen, unless you switch RTTY in TX mode on and start typing. When you
start transmitting in RTTY, then you start getting characters from the
buffer of the PK-232 onto the screen, these characters show up at RTTY
speed; when you switch from TX to RX, they stop until next transmision

As a matter of fact I am forced to go single-op non assisted when doing RTTY
contest, unless somebody will help me to sort out from this situation. I
spent a couple os sundays afternoon in changing config and doing test until
I gave up.

I am sure that this is not an help for your problem, but at least you know
you are not the only one..

73 and Good Easter!
Alessandro, I2SVA