Fw: [WriteLog] WPX SSB - not calculating score

Carleton Reed carleton@sti.net
Sat, 30 Mar 2002 01:30:45 -0800

I was having the same problem. I discovered I was logging out of band. =
It's calculating my mults now but I need to figure out out to fix the 3 =
contacts that has the annoying B next to the serial number. Any help on =
that guys will be appreciated.

Carleton - AA6GZ

----- Original Message -----=20
From: Brian Wruble=20
To: 'On'=20
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 12:33 AM
Subject: [WriteLog] WPX SSB - not calculating score

Hi Guys:  You're probably too busy to respond.  I am trying Writelog
ver. 10.30b in the WPX contest.  It is not computing my score, and it is
not counting multipliers.  What am I doing wrong?

73 de Brian W3BW

WriteLog mailing list

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