[WriteLog] PTT on CW port RTS

Georgek5kg@aol.com Georgek5kg@aol.com
Thu, 9 May 2002 13:48:18 EDT

In a message dated 5/9/2002 5:08:14 PM Greenwich Standard Time, 
don.wsixffh@verizon.net writes:

> The problem is that it causes my FT1000D to come up in transmit when I turn
> the rig on (with Writelog not running). I have to run WL, uncheck the box,
> save it and then things are fine untill the next time I turn the rig on
> without WL running.

Don, this is most puzzling.  I too use WL to key my radio (IC 756Pro II) thru 
the LPT1 port.  I have never paid attention to the  "All mode PTT on CW port 
RTS" option, which is always checked. I never have a problem with my radio 
being keyed when I turn it on, with or without WL running.

What is puzzling is how can WL cause your FT1000D to come up in transmit when 
it (WL) is not running?

Try unplugging your key line from the LPT1 port, and then turning the radio 
off and on?  Then plug in the key line, and turn the computer off, and the 
radio off and on?  Could it be something in the LPT1 port key line associated 
with the computer, but not necessarily WL?
  Try a different key line...maybe the transistor ckt is funky.

Do you have an SO2R Master associated with keying the radio?  I have found 
that removing the 12 vdc supply from my SO2R Master will cause the radio to 
key up.

Somehow, I don't think this is a WL issue.

73, George, k5kg

George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
201-415-6044 cell

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