Fw: [WriteLog] Why?

Carleton Reed carleton@sti.net
Fri, 24 May 2002 17:45:21 -0700

Gary check to make sure you are loggin in CW mode and the right =
frequency on the band. If thats wrong you get the red "B".=20

Carleton - AA6GZ

----- Original Message -----=20
From: Garry Shapiro=20
To: WriteLog Reflector=20
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 5:33 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Why?

I am piddling along in CW WPX.

In my log window, why do I have a red "B" after every sent serial =
and no score in the score window?

Garry, NI6T

160 meters---not a band but an obsession

WriteLog mailing list

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