WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Sat, 25 May 2002 09:39:16 -0500

> I just purchased WriteLog and have a question about FRIENDS.INI.   I
> a FRIENDS.INI file and put it in the same directory as my WRITELOG.INI
> The format for each line was like W3YY=HI BOB.  I've noticed that WriteLog
> only acknowledges some friends in the list, and when it does, only sends
> their name, not the HI part.
> I'm using WriteLog Version 10.32E.
> Can anyone help me with this?  I'd like to get this feature working.

Hi Bob - The filename is friend.ini (without the "s").

WriteLog should send whatever's after the equal sign, up to a maximum letter
count.  I can't remember what that is - something like 10 or 12 characters.
In your example, I don't see why it shouldn't send the HI part.  Those that
use it usually make the macro something like "HI %H 599...." or "HELLO %H
599..." etc.  That is, the word "HI" is not usually in the friend file entry
itself, although I don't know why that should cause a problem.

The bigger problem is that your innocent post might start another thread on
whether the friend file should be used at all!  HHIHIHI    This has been
discusse at length previously.  Purists leave it out to shorten exchanges.
Beginners like it because it helps you get to know people's names.  I
started out using it, and have now "graduated" to not using it!  The longer
you operate and the better your scores get, the more you start shortening
your exchanges.  Use it if you like it!  As far as I've been able to
determine, noone "maintains" the friend file - You can add to it yourself
with any text editor, and at times I've added "special" messages for certain
friends I expected to encounter in the contest!  HI

It really is all about having fun - despite all the anger, cynicism, and
rudeness found on most ham reflectors.  73, and maybe I'll see my name in
lights next time we work!