[WriteLog] Great Circle, where is lat/long stored, and beam headings

Dick Dievendorff dieven@msn.com
Sat, 25 May 2002 08:32:53 -0700

I've installed WriteLog on a different computer and can't seem to get =
the beam headings to work right.

I've entered my lat/long (roughly 47 122) in the "Great Circle" window, =
then I saved the configuration.  Whenever I restart Writelog, these =
values are still in the Great Circle dialog box.

However, none of the beam headings make sense.  Germany isn't blank, and =
Jamaica shouldn't be at 1 degree.

And I can't seem to find the lat/long values in Writelog.ini anywhere. =
Where are they stored?

How do I get beam headings to work correctly?

Dick, K6KR

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