[WriteLog] CW serial interface, XP and WriteLog

Jon Harder jon@praxisworks.org
Thu, 30 May 2002 19:09:48 -0000

Yes, and nothing special was needed for use with XP, using one transistor
and a resistor.  Keying is clean and smooth up to abt 42 wpm, (my max. speed
for now.)    I have tried this on the main board ports first, then also on
ports added with a PCI card from SIIG.  Just fine either way.  Have two
Kenwood rigs in parallel on a single keying line.  WL shifts from L to R and
does PTT via the rig control ports.  No relays needed.

This has been used on two different XP machines, all performing the same.

73,   Jon         K1US

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Rich" <BradR@faspac.com>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 18:02
Subject: [WriteLog] CW serial interface, XP and WriteLog

> Anyone out there that successfully interfaced the CW Writelog interface
> using a serial port with XP and or 2000?
> If so, did you need a special driver?  What was your solution?
> Thanks you in advance for your help
> Brad Rich
> N6GR
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