[WriteLog] CWSS

Billy Cox aa4nu@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 01 Nov 2002 17:32:46 -0600

>I've solved most of my problem with WL sending cw gibberish.  I'm new
>using the FT-1000MP and apparently I've got the Jacks wired strangely.  I
>found that the computer keys the rig fine if I have the 1000's internal
>keyer turned off.  However, then I can't use the paddles (which is
>necessary during a contest) unless I switch the keyer back on.


That's the way it works (and why I asked if the INTERNAL keyer was on).

What I've done here is used the computer AND an external keyer with
paddles ... into a Y into the MP's rear keying jack.

I've studied the service manual/schematic ... and there's not an easy or
simple way around this without cutting some traces/etc.

73 Billy AA4NU