[WriteLog] Receive Audio Switching

Richard L. King k5na@texas.net
Sat, 02 Nov 2002 16:29:37 +0000

Thanks for the response Randy.

WL is selecting the transmitting radio just fine. I can use the program to 
direct CW to either radio. So I assume that the A/B selection is working OK.

My problem is that my headphones are not switching to radio two when I am 
transmitting on radio one. I know this works somehow with TR and CT.

I assume the problem with WL is one of several possibilities:

         A. I have overlooked something in my setup.

         B. I need to modify my SO2R box to track a LPT pin that changes 
state when transmitting.

         C. There is no such pin and I have to buy a W5XD+ keyer to 
accomplish headphone switching.

Option "C" is a little hard to accept because it means I have to spend more 
money to duplicate hardware that I already have.

Maybe what I want to do isn't possible with WL?

73, Richard

At 13:29 11/2/02 +0000, Randy Thompson, K5ZD wrote:
>Because WL only supplies a bit on the LPT port for controlling the transmit
>radio selection.  Headphone switching has to be handled by the WX0B box.  So
>your solution is somewhere in the WX0B manual.
>One of the many great features of the W5XD external keyer is that it will
>handle both the transmit and audio switching.  All from the keyboard and
>quite elegantly.  Plus it does an excellent job of sending perfect CW.
>Randy, K5ZD
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> > [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Richard L. King
> > Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 03:00 AM
> > To: writelog@contesting.com
> > Subject: [WriteLog] Receive Audio Switching
> >
> >
> > Hi everyone. I am very new at using Writelog.
> >
> > I am trying to set up for SS CW using two FT1000MP MkVs and a WX0B SO2R
> > box. Here is my problem.
> >
> > When I am transmitting and listening on either the left or right radio, I
> > expect the headphone audio to auto-switch to the second radio. It doesn't
> > do that and continues to feed my transmitting sidetone from the
> > transmitting radio into the headphones.
> >
> > I can manually switch the headphones to A(left), B(Right), or A+B (both).
> > But the SO2R box seems to be failing to auto-switch my headphones to the
> > other radio on transmit.
> >
> > There is probably something very simple that I have overlooked.
> > Any advice?
> >
> > 73, Richard
> >
> > k5na@texas.net
> >
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