Dick Green dick.green@valley.net
Sat, 2 Nov 2002 13:09:02 -0500


1) What value did you set for AUTOSAVECOUNT, 2) are you sure you typed the
parameter name correctly, and 3) what was the CPU speed and memory of the
machine(s) in question. At 8P8P we did over 10,000 QSOs, sometimes at
10-minuyte rates approaching 500/hr, and the autosave was never a problem.
It was more visible later in the contest, but not slow enough to matter. Our
autosave count as set to 20. One CPU was a 500 MHz PIII and the other was a
700 MHz PIII. I've experienced the slowdown on a 100 MHz PII (or maybe it
was a PI), but Wayne later did something that sped things up. I recall some
posts complaining that the slow save was back, but now I use machines that
are so fast it doesn't matter.

73, Dick WC1M

> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of GW4BLE
> Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 11:37 AM
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Hello All,
> Clive Whelan GW3NJW wrote :
> Hi
> Two separate users, one of whom is me, using two versions viz
> 10.36G and 10.35x have failed to disable autosave by the
> prescribed method.
> Surely there is a problem. Wayne?
> Yes indeed, as a serious competitor in last weekends' CQWW SSB Contest it
> became a *real* annoyance in the later hours of the contest!
> With over 3500
> contacts in the log the Autosave booting in had the potential to
> s-l-o-w the
> logging rate.
> Could some attention be paid to this fault please.  I am
> certainly surprised
> that few others have mentioned it.  Could it be that the WL users
> don't make
> that many QSOs to notice?   Prove me wrong someone, please!
> Steve
> Contest Cambria - GW7X (http://www.gw7x.org)
> 01442 297738
> 07710 055612