[WriteLog] CW Interfacing

Joe Wilkowski k8fc@arrl.net
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 10:06:33 -0700

Well, as far as a Yaesu FT-1000 MP goes if you want to use a paddle and the
internal keyer, you are somewhat hobbled.  In order to key the rig from
Writelog the internal keyer has to be disabled (by pushing the keyer button)
as the key jack shares the paddle input.  So, if you wanted  do this you
would have to activate the internal keyer while not using the computer to
key the rig and reverse the process when you wanted Writelog to send CW.

My solution is to use an external keyer of choice with the paddle and
WriteLog inputs going to the MP this gives me the ability to use either
keying method without having to manage buttons.

Lastly, it took a long time to get used to using the Alt-K feature but now
that I am used to it I wouldn't have it any other way.  I am a recent
convert to WL after using CT for many years and I am still getting used to
the program but at least I was using Alt-K with CT and I am somewhat used to
it now.  Now, my main purpose for the paddles is to send  CW at a much more
civilized pace (abt 18-20 wpm) when you need to fill, or otherwise draw
attention to what you want to say rather than to blow down the pipe at 35
wpm.  I don't know about other folks, but I get a kind of trance working
when I copy contest exchanges like SS.  I get geared up for the exchange and
my brain expects to hear the same pattern time after time. Now when someone
alters the pattern by sending parts of the exchange twice or sending other
text it takes me some time to break out of the mode and process the code.
This is why I use the second paddle at a much slower rate.

Woops, a little off the subject matter.  Sorry for the editorial.

Take care and good contesting.

/joe k8fc

----- Original Message -----
From: "n6kj" <kelly@thejohnsons.ws>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 10:03 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] CW Interfacing

> Now that SS is over with and my hand is sore from not using Writelog to
> CW for me, I have a question.
> It seems simple enough to connect Writelog (using a COM port) to my
> keyer input, but how can I also make use of my keyer paddles.  Do I need
> external keyer to do this?  As best I can tell, Writelog expects the keyer
> to be in "straight key mode".  My iambic keyer paddles normally connect to
my rig
> with the keyer input in "internal keyer mode".  How do you hotshot
contesters do
> this?  Do you use an external keyer?
> Kelly Johnson
> N6KJ
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