[WriteLog] PC not generating CW

Neal Sacon Neal Sacon" <n7rx@arrl.net
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 11:48:22 -0800

Thanks for the reply.

The problem was not that the PC was not seeing the LPT port and keying the
radio, but that it didn't appears as though the PC was generating the CW in
the first place. After combing through the archives, I discovered that WL
doesn't generate CW sidetone (other 'test software I've used does), and I
realized that I needed to actually connect the LPT port to radio to check
the programming the F-keys. Once I did that, everything worked fine.

Getting the LPT ports set-up was a nuisance, but that wasn't the problem.
The problem was that I was a dunce.

73 Neal N7RX