[WriteLog] CW Interfacing

ARS NZ3O (Byron) FM29fx nz3o@arrl.net
Mon, 04 Nov 2002 22:02:06 -0500

Same thing here and power the keyer off back of the radio.

At 09:47 PM 11/3/2002 -0800, Les, VA7LC wrote:
>I use the Logikey keyer from Idiom Press myself. Using a "Y" patch cord, the
>single end to the rig key jack, the other two ends, one to my keyer the
>other to the com port. My Yaesu FT 920 has two key jacks so I can also plug
>in my hand key!
>Les, VA7LC
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "n6kj" <kelly@thejohnsons.ws>
>To: <writelog@contesting.com>
>Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 9:03 PM
>Subject: [WriteLog] CW Interfacing
> > Now that SS is over with and my hand is sore from not using Writelog to
> > CW for me, I have a question.
> >
> > It seems simple enough to connect Writelog (using a COM port) to my
> > keyer input, but how can I also make use of my keyer paddles.  Do I need
> > external keyer to do this?  As best I can tell, Writelog expects the keyer
> > to be in "straight key mode".  My iambic keyer paddles normally connect to
>my rig
> > with the keyer input in "internal keyer mode".  How do you hotshot
>contesters do
> > this?  Do you use an external keyer?
> >
> > Kelly Johnson
> > N6KJ
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