[WriteLog] some usefull things from TR
Eric Raub
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 22:02:13 -0600
The number one item I would like to see in Writelog is the freestyle logging
feature for Sweepstakes such as the one implemented in TRLog.
i.e. 153 156 A NM0X B 78 KI0MI 93 MO would be translated by the software as
156 B KI0MI 93 MO
I am ALWAYS in the wrong blank regardless of how I configure the tabs or
73, Eric
> Having been user of TR logging program since 1992 it would be very nice to
> have AUTO SEND CARACTER COUNT future in Write Log.
> That future means when you do CQ you program number of letters you put in
> call window the prorram starts sending itself. The question is if it would
> be at all possible to make the same in WL???
> The other question is why not to connect the puddle to LPT as in TR
> program??
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