[WriteLog] wrong date !!

George K3GP k3gp@arrl-dot-com
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 05:10:51 -0000


Pretty easy to do:

1) Bring up log in writelog.
2) Go to Edit - Select All (Highlights all QSOs)
3) Double Click on first date, brings up Time edit window.
4) Change year to 2002
5) Click OK
6) Program will ask if you want to apply the correction to all selected
QSOs 	 Click on YES
7) Voila! All QSOs moved ahead one year.

Yes, I did the same thing - had an entire log off by one day, though -
not one year. Thank goodness a blanket correction was provided by Wayne!

George K3GP

-----Original Message-----
From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
[mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Ken K7ZUM
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:31 AM
To: writelog@contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] wrong date !!

Hi All, have gotten back from my play time in the carribeans and have
at my logs, and to my horror, I have the
wrong year, anybody know of a quick and easy way to change the year from
2001 to 2002 ???

tnx de Ken..... K7ZUM

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