[WriteLog] ALT K window does not display characters

Gil Baron gbaron@charter.net
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 10:46:06 -0600

Well well well, look who is defending the errors. I did not come here at
first. I tried my best to get help. 	 did not get help. If you read all of
the posts you will find that the complaint is legitimate. You will find that
others have the problem. Why do you think that is true? It is because there
is a problem.

All it would take to shut me up is a reasonable acknowledgement of the
problem , some kind of response, any kind, not stonewalling from Wayne or
ROn, but no I get nothing.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Mike Mellinger WA0SXV
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 9:33 AM
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [WriteLog] ALT K window does not display characters
> Aw, Gil, will you lighten up!  Your exaggerations and obvious
> belligerence damages your credibility and is getting really old.

A simple acknowledgement would have avoided all of this. If the truth is
hard to face then what can I say and the truth is that there is a serious
defect here that ought to be fixed and the defect has been around a LONG

> license fee entitled you to the current version of the software,
> upgrades for a year,  and NOTHING ELSE.  Life is tough.

Yes life is tough. I don't know what that has to do with it? If my license
fee does not entitle me to support then I guess it is the last fee I will
ever pay. If you write AND SELL a program then you are morally obligated to
do your best to support it. If you do not, you will eventually find that
little by little your user base will erode and if something that promises to
be better comes along you will be dropped like a rock. Why be loyal when you
get no loyalty in return?
If Wayne is not going to fix the problem, the at least say so in black and
white, and let the users decide what to do. The lack of response is worse
than the lack of a fix.

> As to Writelog being useless for CW, somehow I have 3 CW SS Plaques
> using Writelog -- and I have *NEVER* needed ALT-K to get there -- even
> if it does work for me.

Well congratulations, I am not even close to you in that skill, never will
be. I do not use that for contest in most cases but I want it to work. I
agree with the correct messages you never need that in CW contests. I am
more of a casual user and I want the feature to work as promised.
I have NEVER used it either, since it does not work.

> 73,
> Mike WA0SXV
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