[WriteLog] ALT-K font size fix
Steve Woodruff
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 10:49:39 -0800 (PST)
Zev- your fix worked for me. I could not set my
active title bar size lower than 20 (20 seems to
be the lowest setting it will allow) but that was
enough to give me 2 full lines with the font size
set to 10 (not 8). My active title bar size was
originally 24 -- after testing it at 20 i went
back and changed it to 22 and found that i still
get 2 full lines of text and only the slightest
portion of the bottom line is truncated. But...
i find 20 to be a good size and will leave it there!
Thanks for finding this tip Zev!!
73 - Steve, N9OH
--- "Darack, Zev" <Zev.Darack@banklink.com> wrote:
> I think I found the solution. Please try this and
> let me know if it works:
> Under the windows "Display Properties" make sure the
> "Active Title Bar" Size
> is not greater than 18 and the font size is not
> greater than 8.
> In Writelog, under the setup menu select "Entry Menu
> Fonts..." select a font
> size of 10 or less.
> I never had a problem with this but was able to
> reproduce the problem. Can
> we get a confirmation from one of the guys having an
> issue that this works?
> 73,
> Zev Darack, N2WKS
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