ARS NZ3O (Byron) FM29fx nz3o@arrl.net
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 21:06:10 -0500

This exact thing happened to me after about 15 hours in the chair.
Unfortunately, it was the QSO entry window that was missing.
And, this might be a bug, it was still checked in the Window
menu, so I couldn't bring it back.  I had to exit and restart
WRITElog to see the window unchecked and check it to restore it.

At 05:41 AM 11/5/2002 +0000, RCARIELLO wrote:
>An option to lock in the screen setting should be provided. With this option
>selected any attempt to move, resize, add or remove windows would be
>prevented. During the late hours of the contest a wrongful drag or click of
>the mouse could provide unwanted results.

All sunshine makes a desert.                (Arabian Proverb)