[WriteLog] ALT K window does not display characters

Jim Brannigan jbrannig@optonline.net
Wed, 06 Nov 2002 05:05:42 -0500

Very good, This should be posted on all the reflectors and packed in with
each new radio.

> Life is like a bad dream for many people .......
> They have problems with their car ... can't get the dealer to fix it .....
> The teacher doesn't understand that their kid needs special
> attention and help ...
> The building inspector has it in for them because they have
> an ethnic last name .....
> Their lawn is infected with insects or disease which  no one can help them
> with ....
> I remember several years ago when a new ham which we helped get licensed
> wanted help ..
> He said he could not get the code ... BUT if only I would get on 80 CW
> night and send him CW for a couple of hours ...
> he would be able to get it and upgrade his ticket .........
> The burden that these poor souls repeatedly put upon us ...  and they are
> poor souls .....
> And our ... what appears to be callus and indifferent attitude toward them
> ...
> Has been hardened over the years by repeated demands
> such as this ...........
> Just how many times times can the ones who can "DO IT" .....
> Be expected to respond to the repeated demands from those who cannot ...
> or will not try .....
> Those who can "DO IT" are repeated hounded to do it for
> those who cannot .......
> Although they may have a Masters Degree in something..... or other ......
> They cannot get the top on the toothpaste tube without cross
> threading it ......
> But should it be our responsibility to make sure that they can
> get the cap on straight ???? ... Over and over again ??
> We all want to help our brother hams ........ but we all have a limit
> .......
> There are some things we ALL can do "GOOD"  ... and some we can't ......
> Real wisdom in life comes from finding out where you excel ...
> And where you do not .............
> If you cannot push a rope .....  don't try .........
> Find something that "YOU' are good at .....  It may NOT be radio .......
> KB     Whitey  K1VV