[WriteLog] Re: [SMC] Attn: WriteLog users

Marc Tinkler Marc.Tinkler@creo.com
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 09:10:54 -0500

Well I have no problem in having something that looks and feels comfy,
convenient and is easy to drive like a station wagon... but has a Maserati
engine under the hood that leaves a Ferrari in the dust!

Do you  :-)

...Marc, K1UG, G0AZS

-----Original Message-----
From: WA9ALS - John [mailto:wa9als@starband.net]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:16 PM
To: Writelog@contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Re: [SMC] Attn: WriteLog users

>From the SMC reflector:

> > I've been using TRlog for a while, but am considering switching to
> Really? Isn't that like going from a barely street legal Ferrari to a, oh,
I don't
> know, station wagon, for road racing?

WriteLog a "station wagon"?  HAR HAR

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