[WriteLog] Help with networked log under W2K
Sun, 10 Nov 2002 11:30:45 +0000
At 10/11/2002 03:02, you wrote:
>Do you know how to configure W2K security?
>Running WL on four machines in a multi environment. 3 machines are W95.
>Unfortunately, one must run under W2K. Everything works, but the W95 machine
>that connects to the W2K machine has to logon to the W2K machine as a
>recognized user with valid password. This is necessary when bringing up the
>networked log, as well as the packet window. Adds unnecessary complexity in the
>event of a mid-contest restart when time is of the essence.
>How can I set up W2K security so that this particular user doesn't have to go
>through security to logon? There's no such logon required when WL under W95
>talks to another under W95.
You can disable this using TweakUI for Windows 2000 from Microsoft.
It has the ability to allow automatic logon. This is normally a bad idea but
if your machine is for personal use with nothing particularly private then I
suppose things are OK. If you can't find TweakUI on Microsoft, send me an
email and I'll email you it.
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