[WriteLog] Help with networked log under W2K

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Sun, 10 Nov 2002 12:44:45 -0500

> It's certainly possible that RFI caused glitches in the network hardware,
> but I'm suspicious of problems between the different versions of the
> protocols on the different operating systems. If you determine that a
> network is OK, I'd sure like to know.
> Another issue is just getting the network up and running in the first
> I've had lots of problems getting Win95 and Win98 machines connected to
> Win2K.

Just another perspective.  We have 4 machines on a home network, 2 wired and
2 wireless.  These include 1 WIN2000 (my main ham computer), 2 WIN98
machines, and 1 WIN95 machine (kids).  These all share our satellite
Internet connection flawlessly.  The WIN2000 computer also serves the
Internet to the rest of the network, including doing the acceleration
protocol used by satellite connections.  We've done 2 multi-op CQWW efforts
here now - nothing like the numbers Dick mentioned, but over 1000Qs.
WIN2000 was the "server", and the second station used a WIN98 machine.  The
WIN2000 machine was connected to the K1TTT cluster via DX Telnet.

We didn't have any problems with this setup - even with the rest of the
family surfing and emailing during the contest.  BTW, the WIN98 machine is
an OLD Gateway P166, 48K machine!

I agree completely with the abolishment of WIN95.  We have had some problems
on the home network with that machine not seeing one of the others, and/or
vice versa.  This has never been solved completely despite lots of good
advice from knowlegeable people.  My solution is to eventually deep-six that
machine - it's on it's last legs anyway for other reasons, and replace it
with WIN2000 or higher.   73