[WriteLog] CW PTT troubles
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 15:34:35 +0100 (CET)
Hi Luca,
your description of the problem is quite short. So I am not sure that
my response would meet your problem.
Some weeks ago I built one LPT-interface for CW-keying and PTT-control.
First I tried this with 2 optocouplers, one for CW and one for PTT. But
it didn't work correct. After some hours of "try an error" I discovered
that it could be a problem for the LPT-port to supply current enough
for the optocouplers. The PTT-pin of the LPT-port didn't switch when
the optocoupler was connected but switched very fine when there was no
load. So I built the interface with transistors and had to keep care
that the resistors in the basis-lines of the transistors are big
enough, so that the LPT-pins are not overloaded.
73 + 55
Wolf, DL6JZ
Luca IK2NCJ schrieb:
> Dear friends,
> after I discovered that WL running under XP and 98 SE on
> Acer laptop won't switch radio from RX to TX from LPT1
> port, I thought that using an older laptop with a DB9 COM
> port I can control PTT from there and send the CW carrier
> from LPT1.
> It looks very easy solution and it is! The only thing is
> that also COM port doesn't send PTT signal to radio!!
> Anyone with same problem??
> Luca IK2NCJ
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