[WriteLog] MPEG Layer-3 compression from Tools Sound Board options

Wayne Wright w5xd@writelog.com
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 20:23:50 -0000

Here's a solution that worked on one machine.
In WriteLog, select "Tools, Sound Board Options...",
and in the window that pops up, try "Select WAV file

Is MPEG Layer-3 on the list next to the "Format" button?
Several have found this to be a very useful compression
format--high compression and good enough fidelity on

If this selection is not in the list, then try this:

1. Search your disk for the file "l3codeca.acm". I expect
most machines to have this because it is part of the Windows
Media player distribution, and also in recent versions of
Internet explorer.
If you don't find the the file, then try downloading and
installing the latest Windows Media Player from Microsoft.

2. If you find the file, then use the Windows Start menu,
create a command prompt, and try these commands:

cd \<where-ever-the-file-is\
regsvr32 l3codeca.acm

You should get a message saying it "succeeded".
3. Try WriteLog again, is MPEG Layer-3 on the list? then
done. If not, then do this:

Create a file named l3codeca.reg. It does not matter much
what directory you use. The lines that go in the file are these:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32]

"l3codeca.acm"="Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec"

4. use Windows File explorer to browse to the file you just
created and double click it.

Now try WriteLog. If it still doesn't show MPEG Layer-3, I don't know why
