[WriteLog] older rig and SO2R

T&R tashland@nethtc.net
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 09:38:05 -0600

Hi all,
I am looking to try SO2R on my beer budget.  Here is my setup:

Kenwood TS-850SAT with computer interface        Kenwood TS-830S
Homebrew LPT CW keyer (LPT2)                         K1NU CW interface =
CW (com4)
Rigblaster                                                           =
shares same rigblaster

I spent the evening last night trying to set up wav files for the =
rigblaster DVK and it works fine.  I have a homebrew switch box to =
switch the mic to either rig.  I noticed that I can only use VOX to key =
the 830, and it cuts off part of the first character (sometimes).  It =
keys the rig fine on the 850.  I have messed with the writelog sound =
card mixer control, and I have it working a little better.

Some questions:
  1.. Will I have to use VOX for the 830 since it is not technically =
computer interfaced?  Can I use the CW cable for PTT on SSB?
  2.. Is there a way to make sure I don't cut off part of the first =
character with the 830?  I have experimented with PTT delay, but I think =
thats for CW.  Will I need to put a space at the beginning of the call =
to compensate for that?  If so, won't my characters sound choppy?
  3.. Can I use both CW cables with this setup?  I don't see how I can =
do this without going into ports?  The bad thing about using one CW =
cable is that one is for positive keying, and the other is setup for =
grid block keying.
I'm kind of attached to my 830, and would really like to use it.  I =
think this setup will work fine in SO2R RTTY, but would like to try and =
make it work with  SSB/CW.

TIA and 73,
Terry, WK0F

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