Edward Whitman edwhit@optonline.net
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 19:13:43 -0500

I am relatively new in using the Writelog program.  In reading some of the reflector archives, it appears that there is no direct simple interface between my Writelog and Ten-Tec Omni V transceiver.  What I would like to get from some of the experts out there is a simple solution on how to key (CW) my Omni V with the Writelog program.  Nothing fancy...all I would like is to be able to send a few "canned" messages with the Writelog keyboard, which would in turn key on/off my Omni.  A parallel connection across my Vibroplex key would work fine (Yes..there are still some manual keys in use!).

I currently use a home-built manual memory box shunted across the CW input/key to my Omni V (and Vibroplex), but now that I am busy with the WriteLog program, I am running out of hands!  If I were able to also use my computer keyboard to send callsigns, that would be great too!

If you have a simple solution please describe the computer-to-Omni V interface, and what menus I would have to go into in WriteLog to set the serial/parallel ports outputs on my computer.  Would I have to put together an outboard switching circuit?

Perhaps I will be lucky and get everything in place for this weekend's CQWW DX CW Contest!

Thanks & 73
Ed Whitman,  K2MFY

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