[WriteLog] User Port File
Irwin Darack
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 22:46:12 -0500
I would apprecate a little assistance for someone who is not a computer expert at all. I am attempting to set up my Windows XP maching to give me keying access through the LPT port. I downloaded a zipped file called User_port.exe. As per the instructions, Once I unzipped the file, I then copied a file called Userport.sys to my Windows\system32\driver directory. When I run the Userport.exe file I find that I have to enter both "All Users Port Grant Process List" and Through "\\.Userport" grand list. These files are looking for 0x000-0x3ff type of informaton? In my system Hardware set up, my LPT port is 0378-037F and 0778-077F. What do I enter and where.
Thanks, Irwin KD3TB
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