[WriteLog] Module

Pat Cain, K0PC k0pc@arrl.net
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:30:51 -0600

Hello Rien,

I haven't seen any responses to your request for a PACC module. I can try 
to write one for you if you're not in a big hurry. Can you point me to the 
rules? When is the next contest?


At 07:34 PM 11/15/02 +0100, Rien wrote:
>Heloo to all is there somone who have a nodule to use Wl in the PACC 
>Contest or  is there someone who will write the module ??? so this is the 
>only contest for me that I'm missinng in Wl in this great program
>tnx Rien