[WriteLog] AA5AU RTTY Callsign Database Update

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au@bellsouth.net
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 22:15:58 -0600

The RTTY callsign database has been updated with deletions and additions.
Thanks to Mike, K4GMH, for new calls worked in WAE RTTY.  Thanks to
others for your contributions.

WriteLog users download the .dta file from http://www.geocities.com/writelog/.
Also added links to the RTTY message examples and official rules for the upcoming
TARA RTTY Sprint from this page.

WF1B users and others download the ASCII file from http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html.

Looking forward to the TARA RTTY Sprint since I missed WAE.  The TARA
RTTY Sprint is an excellent contest to check out your station setup in preparation
for January's ARRL RTTY Roundup.  See you there!

73, Don AA5AU