[WriteLog] program cw crashes

n5pu n5pu@cableone.net
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 15:47:36 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

Has anyone ever had this happen when setting up WL for the CQ WW CW test?=
I have WL working sending and receiving CW (mic input/not line in-line in
doesn't see anything!) just fine, but if I close down the program, after
saving it all both under "file" and "settings", and try to open it again =
1. I click on the WL icon and choose cqwwdx (last used)=0D
2. The program opens only the log with no ritty window and no rittyrite C=
3.  I choose "open window"-rtty and the rtty window opens.=0D
3. Choose "TU Type" - Sound board AFSK"  it won't let me choose CW as mod=
even though I am in CW on the rig.and the rig button shows CW.=0D
4. When I choose the above "Soundboard"  of any type I get the infamous
window-"This program has perform an illegal----blah, blah"=0D
5. Clicked on detail and it gave me the following "Rittyrite9 excuted an
invalid instruction in module rittyrite9.exe  at 0167:004edfe=0D
followed by a bunch of numbers=0D
6. If I reboot the puter it will work properly again...just like I had it=
the beginning.=0D
Here is my setup:=0D
p4 computer at 1.6 gig w/512 meg mem=0D
Icom 746PRO - rig control on comm 2=0D
SB 16 sound card with 7f rating on the soundboard check=0D
rigblaster on comm 3=0D
Everything seems to be working until I shut down WL and then all the abov=
happens on re-opening W!=0D
So I guess its either the program has not been set-up correctly by dumb o=
me or the puter is screwing up.=0D
Any suggestions?=0D
Leon N5PU

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