[WriteLog] Stuttering CW

Larry L Lindblom llindblom@juno.com
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 23:58:27 +0000

This can be due to the processes that are running in the background and
grabbing resources.  Hold down control and Alt keys the hit the delete
key.  Look at the list that displays and  try closing everything except
Explorer and Systray. Not guaranteed but usually very effective,
especially on a computer with limited resources.  

23 Nov 2002 08:47:05 -0700 "K7ZO \(Scott Tuthill\)" <k7zo@cableone.net>
> I know it is a bit late in the game, but in case any of you Writelog 
> experts
> happen to take a break from CQWW and happen to read this I need some 
> help
> with the "Stuttering CW" problem.
> Using WL 1035, FT1000MP and a parallel keyer. The parallel keyer 
> works fine
> with DX4WIN but stutters with WL. I have tried every combination of 
> PTT and
> polling settings in the PORT setup. Still stutters. Anyone have any 
> ideas or
> tricks?
> Scott/K7ZO
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