[WriteLog] Stuttering CW

Mark Chouinard - K5YAC k5yac@okdxa.org
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 19:56:34 -0600

I have noticed that at low power, CW generation is perfect, but as power is 
increased it becomes a bit choppy.

In my case I believe it to be stray RF which I have not yet tracked down. :(

Try your CW at a lower power setting Scott.  I'd be interested to see if 
you have the same problem.

Mark - K5YAC

At 16:30 11/23/02, you wrote:
>I was having a minor problem with CW occassionally slurring during a
>contest. When it happened, I noticed that there was disc activity going on.
>I assumed it was another process at work. So, I did as described below. I
>hit the control-ALT-delete combination and closed all the processes other
>than Explorer and Systray. Since then, in two CW contests, I have had
>absolutely perfect CW. The computer is a Dell laptop, running W98, and
>equipped with 128 MB of RAM. Processor speed is 650 MHz.
>Rob K6RB
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Larry L Lindblom" <llindblom@juno.com>
>To: <k7zo@cableone.net>
>Cc: <WriteLog@contesting.com>
>Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 3:58 PM
>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Stuttering CW
> > This can be due to the processes that are running in the background and
> > grabbing resources.  Hold down control and Alt keys the hit the delete
> > key.  Look at the list that displays and  try closing everything except
> > Explorer and Systray. Not guaranteed but usually very effective,
> > especially on a computer with limited resources.
> >
> >
> > 23 Nov 2002 08:47:05 -0700 "K7ZO \(Scott Tuthill\)" <k7zo@cableone.net>
> > writes:
> > > I know it is a bit late in the game, but in case any of you Writelog
> > > experts
> > > happen to take a break from CQWW and happen to read this I need some
> > > help
> > > with the "Stuttering CW" problem.
> > >
> > > Using WL 1035, FT1000MP and a parallel keyer. The parallel keyer
> > > works fine
> > > with DX4WIN but stutters with WL. I have tried every combination of
> > > PTT and
> > > polling settings in the PORT setup. Still stutters. Anyone have any
> > > ideas or
> > > tricks?
> > >
> > > Scott/K7ZO
> > >
> > >
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