[WriteLog] How to manually add QSOs to contest log?

Wayne Wright w5xd@writelog.com
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 02:01:01 -0000

Open the 11 QSO log, Save them in ADIF, open the
main log, do file Import of the ADIF (which will put
the 11 QSOs at the end). Then select the entire log
and do a sort-by-time. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Barry 
> Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 00:49
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: [WriteLog] How to manually add QSOs to contest log?
> I did something REALLY dumb.
> I set up my log files about a week before the contest, put all the 
> windows in just the right place, set up my buffers, testing, 
> everything, 
> etc. So starting the contest should be a breeze, right?
> I start at 0000Z, and as I log the first QSO, I notice that 
> the zone wasn't 
> coming up on its own. Same for second QSO, and so on. Then I notice 
> that the column format is different than I remember. Then I 
> notice I used 
> the WPX template. Arghhh!
> I was debating in my mind what to do. I can't operate the 
> whole contest 
> this way, but I hate to quit my great run just started on 
> 40m. 11 QSOs in 
> the first 4 minutes and I decide to temporarily quit, save 
> the existing log, 
> and start a new one.
> Question - how do I add the QSOs and get them in the right spot in my 
> new log?
> Tnx,
> Barry
> --
> Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
> Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club
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