[WriteLog] No CW keying by Writelog to FT1000
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:44:36 EST
I was not been able to get my Writelog version 10.31c to correctly send the
code to my FT1000D so I had to use the internal keyer to do all the sending
during the contest this past weekend. The CAT interface worked part of the
When I started, the CAT interface would send the command to start keying the
radio but everything was a dead key. CAT Interface is commercial bought from
someone. The computer would make no difference between keying a 5 and a zero
except for the amount of key down time. Just no correct code is being sent.
I tried chging the delay but no help. Using Win2000 on a fast 2 Gig cpu with
all the service packs installed. CAT on com1 for rig control. I see
frequency in writelog ok. Told writelog to use the CAT for CW keying. The
.INI file is updated for PTT on com1. Read recently that turning off
internal keyer makes a difference with sending CW but mine made no difference
on my ft1000D.
Second item, started contest using bencher paddles with internal keyer.
Started on ten but due to keying problem gave up. Came back later and
started logging on 40mtrs. Noticed some strange stuff on the Bandmap when I
tried to change things to key radio. It displayed the wrong frequency, some
large number several times and then it displayed zero in the middle of the
bandmap. I finally got back to my original configuration without using the
CAT for keying and things on bandmap clearedup. However, I now see that ALL
of my ten meter contacts as displayed in Cabrillo are credited as 160
contacts on the summary sheet and in the Multiplier window. Strange bug
here. The 40 and 15 meter contacts show correctly. Must have been when I was
trying to get the keying of the ft1000d going and something is corrupt?
Sure would like to get the CW keying fixed so I can enjoy the logging program
more. Logger about 250 contacts about 125 countries doing a search and
pounce method with about 30 zones.
Any help will be apprecaited. Replies to me and if anything is relavant to
the list, I will pass the solution on. Thanks.
73 Mike N5MT
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