[WriteLog] problem with ft-1000mp mrk v field

ADS - Bill Gerth bgerth@adsalarms.com
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 07:53:48 -0600


I have a MK V Field and have no problems.  It has been several months since
I set it up but I don't recall having difficulty.  I'm at the office so I
can't confirm any of this, but I'd recommend going to the K9JY website and
checking for radio setup tips.  As I recall, the MK V wants 4800 baud on the
interface and there are also options regarding which computer port is used
for keying, etc.



----- Original Message -----
From: <Hamn4sr@aol.com>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:40 AM
Subject: [WriteLog] problem with ft-1000mp mrk v field

> Am having a dickens of a time getting WL to "find" my radio.  Anybody who
> using a Ft-1000 MP  MRK V field   I would be really interested in any
> problems you might have had getting the program to "see" the radio
> Thanks
> Steve  N4SR
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