[WriteLog] WL in a M/M Station
Gary Ferdinand W2CS
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 11:37:01 -0500
Dear WLers,
I'm doing some investigation of various loggers that support a M/M
configuration. I've only used WL in a limited way so far, single op in SS,
and I'm very impressed. But I've thoroughly perused the excellent
documentation available as it pertains to M/M operations and it raises a few
1. The existence of a WL server. I presume this is a requirement when
running M/M?
2. Recovery after restart. I am intrigued and pleased by the WL design
that appears to (re)populate the local log when a position is (re)started.
I believe the implication of this is that every position sees all QSOs/Mults
even if one or more positions had to be restarted during the contest. True?
3. Recovery of the WL server. Can someone please fill me in on how/if the
server can be restarted and recovered? I did not see any details on this.
For example, if the server dies and needs to be restarted (let's say a
simple Windoze hang, no hardware breakage)... Meanwhile the positions
continue to be able to operate? When the WL server is back up, does it
resynch with the local positions like they can resynch with it after they
die? I'd appreciate a complete, clear explanation of this scenario. If
I've missed it in the doc, just stick my nose in it ;-)
4. When a local WL dies and gets restarted, does it come up with the band
map it had when it died, a clean band map, or a band map that has been
updated with the events that occurred on the other positions during its
5. At any given local position can local rate and aggregate rate be
displayed? Or is it just one or the other?
6. Can anyone relate operating a M/M or M/2 using WL to doing the same
thing with another logger such as TRLog or CT?
7. Is the Ethernet any more/less susceptible to RFI than alternative such
as a serial port daisy chain?
8. I see port choices of only COM1-4. My system has COM5 and COM6
configured. Can WL access these COM ports somehow?
Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Gary W2CS
Apex, NC