[WriteLog] Rig control and CW Keying won't work at same time
Steve Sutterer
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 20:22:43 -0600
I spent several frustrating hours prior to getting into CQ WW CW this =
weekend trying to get both rig control AND cw keying to work in =
Writelog. Finally had to give up and go back to using CT, but I really =
want to make Writelog work for next contest (ARRL 160m). Here are the =
Running Win98SE. Rig is a TS930 with a Piexx interface board (emulates =
a Kenwood TS-570) connected via COM1. CW keying is normally done via =
LPT1, but I also ended up trying COM2 as well during this attempt to =
make it work, both to no avail.
I am relatively new to Writelog (Feb '02), but used it successfully in =
ARRL DX CW with both rig control and CW keying working. I do recall it =
took a long time back then to get both features running then also, but =
the eventual fix was finding out about the CW_ON_PIN1=3D1 entry needed =
in Writelog.ini to make the LPT work ok. I do recall it then still took =
a while of trying different port settings, etc, then shutting down and =
restarting, before Writelog would work with both the rig and CW keying. =
When it did start working, I couldn't explain why. The software was =
version v10.30.
Fast forward to CQ WW CW. Same computer system and OS. Same rig and =
keyer. I noted a new version of WL (V10.36g) was available, so =
downloaded and installed the upgrade. Now rig control always works on =
COM1, but CW keying will only work if I disable all rig control, enable =
CW keying, close down the program, then restart. THEN CW keying works, =
but of course I now no longer have rig control. Go to the Ports menu, =
enable rig control on COM1, and now CW keying doesn't work again.
I tried going back and reinstalling WL v10.30 with no success at =
resolving the issue at this point.
Tonight I cleaned out all the old Writelog files and registry entries I =
could find, reinstalled a presumable "clean" v10.30, then downloaded and =
installed 10.37, but still the same problem.
I cannot get CW keying to work with the COM2 port either.
Suggestions? Please cc me direct as well in your replies.
73, Steve AK0M
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