[WriteLog] Can't create packet OLE Automation Object.

Rv! mail@mm0ant.co.uk
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 23:05:47 +0000

>How do I start the writelog packet window with menu?
>Have a feeling I'm missing something important :)

You should be able to start it by simply selecting Window>Packet Window
and from there selecting Telnet and inserting the address information.

I'm currently writing a Telnet interface and server to allow a bit of extra functionality
to my day to day DXCluster Telnetting. It's got a built in Telnet server to allow up to
50 host machines in the "local" network, all with command line ability and some
quick access keyboard options. Might be worth a look on my site if you are interested.


"Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds." SEAL Team saying 

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