[WriteLog] WL in a M/M Station
Gary Ferdinand W2CS
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 06:56:43 -0500
Yet another question came to mind as I was reliving the CQ WW CW contest
this morning. The question has to do with band maps.
We were using TRLog in a 4-position M/M set up. TRLog provides its band map
as a list of call sign/frequency pairs. It works out to about 3 or 4
columns of these pairs. The pairs are sorted by frequency. I'd say the
bottom 1/3 of the page was band map, and about 50-100 entries fit on that
The problem I had with TR, and which I'm wondering WL might help, is that TR
becomes very cumbersome when the band map needs to exceed a page worth of
data. You use CTRL-END to see the next page, but that page reverts to the
first band map page when you make the next QSO. Not very useable. Easy to
miss a mult that might be on page 2, for instance.
What does WL's band map look like under contest conditions such as last
weekend's CQ WW? How many calls fit? I know you can vary granularity of
the sliderule display, but doesn't that sliderule become a limiting factor?
How does one deal with a ton of spots? If I could, I'd try this myself and
see, but I don't want to wait for the next contest ;-)
Gary W2CS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Gary Ferdinand W2CS
> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:51 PM
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [WriteLog] WL in a M/M Station
> Looks like my original set of questions proved I was confused! :-)
> I used the term "WL Server" in the same context as the documentation used
> it. The documentation to which I refer is at www.k9jy.com under "multiop
> contesting" link in the left-hand list of links, followed by
> clicking on the
> link called "network writelog." Now, to be sure, the term
> "server" is used
> rather loosely. It is not what I would term a server, where all
> things are
> centralized. I'm quite aware that WL implements a peer-to-peer network
> architecture. So, let me call it a "server," using quotes to
> indicate that
> term is being loosely applied here.
> Some aspects of the "server" seem useful. The ability to
> establish initial
> conditions which are then pulled into local WLs so that set up
> parameters at
> least start off the same. Also, it appeared from the description
> - and here
> I might have gone astray - that when a position comes back online into the
> network and does a connect, it connects to this "server" which
> then resynchs
> it such that it is supplied with full aggregate log state. If there's no
> "server" as many of you answered, to what does the (re)starting computer
> connect to get it's data resynched?
> Many of you stated "no server." I'm having trouble reconciling
> that answer
> with what I see on the web site. In the context of the "server" described
> in the doc, if that "server" were to fail, it would seem important to
> restart it and have it once again perform its role of being the arbitrator
> of restarts elsewhere. How does it get back up and running
> without loss of
> data?
> Clearly, I've confused something here. Can you all help me climb
> out of the
> mental hole I've dug?
> Thanks!
> 73/Gary W2CS
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> > [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Gary Ferdinand W2CS
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 11:37 AM
> > To: writelog@contesting.com
> > Subject: [WriteLog] WL in a M/M Station
> >
> >
> > Dear WLers,
> >
> > I'm doing some investigation of various loggers that support a M/M
> > configuration. I've only used WL in a limited way so far, single
> > op in SS,
> > and I'm very impressed. But I've thoroughly perused the excellent
> > documentation available as it pertains to M/M operations and it
> > raises a few
> > questions.
> >
> > 1. The existence of a WL server. I presume this is a requirement when
> > running M/M?
> >
> > 2. Recovery after restart. I am intrigued and pleased by the WL design
> > that appears to (re)populate the local log when a position is
> (re)started.
> > I believe the implication of this is that every position sees all
> > QSOs/Mults
> > even if one or more positions had to be restarted during the
> > contest. True?
> >
> > 3. Recovery of the WL server. Can someone please fill me in on
> > how/if the
> > server can be restarted and recovered? I did not see any
> details on this.
> > For example, if the server dies and needs to be restarted (let's say a
> > simple Windoze hang, no hardware breakage)... Meanwhile the positions
> > continue to be able to operate? When the WL server is back up, does it
> > resynch with the local positions like they can resynch with it
> after they
> > die? I'd appreciate a complete, clear explanation of this scenario. If
> > I've missed it in the doc, just stick my nose in it ;-)
> >
> > 4. When a local WL dies and gets restarted, does it come up
> with the band
> > map it had when it died, a clean band map, or a band map that has been
> > updated with the events that occurred on the other positions during its
> > restart?
> >
> > 5. At any given local position can local rate and aggregate rate be
> > displayed? Or is it just one or the other?
> >
> > 6. Can anyone relate operating a M/M or M/2 using WL to doing the same
> > thing with another logger such as TRLog or CT?
> >
> > 7. Is the Ethernet any more/less susceptible to RFI than
> alternative such
> > as a serial port daisy chain?
> >
> > 8. I see port choices of only COM1-4. My system has COM5 and COM6
> > configured. Can WL access these COM ports somehow?
> >
> > Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to all.
> >
> > 73,
> >
> > Gary W2CS
> > Apex, NC
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > WriteLog mailing list
> > WriteLog@contesting.com
> > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/writelog
> >
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> WriteLog mailing list
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