[WriteLog] Can't create packet OLE Automation Object.

Bjorn Bergheim bjorn@timebandits.org
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 19:50:03 +0100

If I remove the 


statement, I get this message: Can't create packet OLE Automation Object.

Bjorn, LA4DCA

Quoting WW3S <ww3s@zoominternet.net>:

 If you are not using DXtelnet take the line out of the ini file....it is not
 needed to run telnet from the original writelog packet window.
 > Hi Steve,
 > Thanks for answering.
 > Quoting Steve Baron - KB3MM <SteveBaron@StarLinX.com>:
 >  In the WL main window, If you click the Window menu item and then Packet
 >  Windowm doesn't the packet window open ?
 >  Then IN THE PACKET WINDOW, If you click the FILE menu item and then
 >  doesn't it offer a window to enter an IP address>
 > Quote end:.
 > With these two lines in writelog.ini
 >   [OBJECTS]
 >   pktObject=DXT2WL.clsWlPacket
 > a "DXTelnet <> WriteLog Spot Linker" window opens. This is fine if I want
 > run DXTelnet, but there is no menu on/in this new window, the Packet
 Window. I
 > have tested it with DXT2WL, DXTelnet and WriteLog, and it works great. I
 do not
 > own a copy of DXTelnet though. Not yet anyway.
 > I have also "rightclicked" all over the Packet Window searching for some
 > of menu :)
 > Do I have to use another [OBJECTS] syntax to open the original WriteLog
 > window?
 > Bjorn, LA4DCA
 > http://la8w.timebandits.org/
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