[WriteLog] Re: [RTTY] New Virus (Offtopic) ATTN K4GMH!

Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 faunt@panix.com
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 22:52:34 -0400 (EDT)

   From: "WA9ALS - John" <wa9als@starband.net>
   Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 21:30:30 -0500

   Some will appreciate this broadband off-topic and some won't.  I'll take my

   There are several new viruses going around big time today, some apparently
   via ham reflectors.  I got several -apparently- from well respected hams.
   I'm sure the emails weren't really from these hams, but from the address
   books of hams without adequate AV software and updates.  I was sort of
   surprised I didn't see anyone mention these today on these reflectors, so I
   guess I'll be the sacrificial off topic lamb!

   *** I wasn't going to say anything - Until I received the last 4 digits of
   K4GMH's credit card!!  One of the viruses apparently emails all or part of
   some email on your system - In this case an order confirmation from
   Microsoft for something Mike ordered!

   Of course, the last 4 numbers don't hurt anyone much, but would you want
   everything in your Inbox emailed to everyone in your address book?  And so
   on and so on.....?

   More info at http://securityresponse.symantec.com/

   73 - John (WA9ALS)

I just got one of these, too.

And another message I got that looked very reputable, but when I got a
404 from the URL included and queried the sender, I got the message
below back.  These are seriously tricky.

73, doug

Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 21:42:16 -0500
From: k4ro.autoresponder@orionmicro.com
To: faunt@panix.com
Subject: k4ro

This is an autoresponder.

The Email address k4ro@orionmicro.com does not exist.
It is a fake Email address.

Messages sent with this Email address contain an attachment which
is in fact a VIRUS called  WORM_BUGBEAR.A or W32.BUGBEAR

These messages seem to originate from an IP located in Cork, Ireland
(from Email headers in messages which bounced back).

DO NOT OPEN this attachment! For more info check:


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