[WriteLog] Writelog & Rigblaster Questions

Les Peters n1sv@n1sv.com
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 21:58:43 -0400

Is there anyone using Writelog to control a Rigblaster via a serial port
(not rig control).  I configured this last year but apparently I didn't
take any notes and my memory has failed me now that I have upgraded my

What pin of the serial port is Writelog toggling when I activate a .wav
file?  Does there need to be a null modem cable between the serial port
and Rigblaster box?  Are there any changes to the .ini file that need to
be made for this to work?  Is there any restrictions as to which serial
port you can use?

I'm hoping somebody was smarter then me and either wrote this down or
has a better memory then me.

Les Peters, N1SV