[WriteLog] Announcing MSWatch -- Multi Op Frequency Lock for Writelog

Gerry Hull windev@inetmarket.com
Sat, 19 Oct 2002 15:47:07 -0400

Problem: When in a multi-operator situation, there may be times when one of the operators 
         is not paying attention, and places his/her radio on the same band as another,
         transmitting station.  Depending on the antenna situation, this can cause front-end
         smoke, and the end of a radio for at least the contest duration. 
         This is not a fun situation to be in.

Solution: MSWatch.   MSWatch is a FREE application you run along side
	  Writelog, for each of your multiop positions. It monitors the frequency of 
	  each radio, and broadcasts messages across your network to each MSWatch client. 
	  If an operator attempts to change a radio to a band which is already in use, 
	  MSWatch prevents transmission. How?  Well, go to the MSWatch Website,
	  http://www.hamsoftware.net/writelog, read the details, and download.

	  Just in time for WW SSB... no more blown radios!

Mail your feedback to gerry@w1ve.com.


Gerry, W1VE/VE1RM
gerry@w1ve.com gerry@ve1rm.ca