[WriteLog] Ok, so I'm a Neophyte !

Joe Wilkowski k8fc@arrl.net
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 18:01:11 -0600

Well, here we go, right out of the box and I broke it already.  Haven't =
even made one qso and I am stumped already.

When you first launch the program, you get a sized window (restore down) =
 which you can intern make full size or reduce back to the original size =
(middle of the screen) just by using the windows maximize / restore down =
button in the upper RH of the window.  Well, it no longer does that =
after I saved the first test configuration.

Where in the WriteLog.ini file is the pixel parameters that allows that =
window to open up in the restore down shape ?  Also, is there a web site =
that has a truly virgin ini file like the one that comes with the =
program before you blow it ?


humbly , joe k8fc

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