[WriteLog] ADIF

Mark Chouinard - K5YAC k5yac@msgxp.com
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 22:59:36 -0500

I have been trying to export my log in ADIF format to another program to
track awards, QSL info, and to use for general logging, but for some
reason the definitions exported by WriteLog are incorrect, therefore the
program I'm trying to use is only able to import part of my log.  Most
of the pertinent data is either missing or incorrect.

First, the ADIF standard code for a country is supposed to be DXCC, but
WriteLog exports as Country:

Correct format:

<DXCC: (the number of digits in the country id number)> (ARRL country id

Example, The country id number for the United States is 291, therefore
it should read:

<DXCC: 3> 291

WriteLog exports:

<Country: 13> United States

Also, the standard code for Prefix is PFX, but WriteLog exports:

Example, if I work K5YAC, Writelog exports:

<PREF: 1> K

but it should read:

<PFX: 2> K5

Of course, since the format is incorrect it cannot be read by other ADIF
capable programs.  At least ones that I know of.

Which brings me to another point.  Has anyone noticed that the only
prefix that gets stored for U.S. stations is K?  For example, if I work
a K5, W5, AC7, or whatever else, the prefix is stored as K.

Changing PREF to PFX and Country to DXCC is easily done using word pad's
Find and Replace feature, but changing the country to the appropriate
ARRL country id number, and all the Ks to W5, AC7, K5, etc. is a bit too
laborious to do manually.

Maybe I am doing something wrong, which is why I writing this post.  Is
there some way to change the type of data or structure that gets
exported?  Is there any way to get WriteLog to store the correct

Maybe someone can recommend a good general logging program, which
performs award and QSL info, as well as import WriteLog's ADIF format?
It would be nice if any recommended program would be able to do a mass
update on all log entries after my log is imported in order to correct
the prefixes as well as update address info and anything else that my
log might be lacking.  Any recommendations?

I'm probably asking a lot, but the next step is to code something up
myself, which I don't have time to do.

Thanks for any help.

73 de

Mark - K5YAC
Collinsville, Oklahoma