[WriteLog] Problem setting WL v10.36G to send CW with a PK-232 DSP

Eric Reid eric.reid@sympatico.ca
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 11:25:36 -0400

When I try to use my PK-232 DSP to send CW with WL's ALT-K, it will not
send the entire line.  My CW stops sending and might send a few more
characters or if I press the space bar.
I also suspect the Macro's are not working correctly. Sometimes they
will send, when they don't send the Macro text just seems to end up in
the ALT-K window.
Is there a PK-232-DSP .ini file I need to edit?
Next question, will the PK-232 work as a CW demodulator in WL?
Ideas or solutions anyone?
de Eric - VE3GSI

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