[WriteLog] More on ALT-F3/CTL-T bug

w4lc@fuse.net w4lc@fuse.net
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 10:01:02 -0500

What is your advice about the problem I encountered?  When I clicked on the spot in the Spot Window, it would put the spot in the Logging Window, but would not QSY the TS850 to the spot frequency.

I have operated many contests in the past, and this has always worked fine before.  I am running 10.36G.

The program was reading the correct frequency from the rig, and I could actually QSY from band to band using the Radio menu on the top toolbar.  The correct rig and port was selected in the setup menu.  This problem persisted over both days.

Further, the program put the spots on the bandmap correctly, and clicking on the spots on the bandmap would put them into the logging window, but again would not QSY the rig.

Thanks    Jim    W4LC

> From: "W. Wright, W5XD" <w5xd@writelog.com>
> Date: 2002/10/28 Mon PM 09:14:22 EST
> To: <w2up@mindspring.com>,  <writelog@contesting.com>
> Subject: RE: [WriteLog] More on ALT-F3/CTL-T bug
> > Did a little testing today. Neither ALT-F3 nor CTL-T works to
> > generate a
> > packet spot when connected via a telnet node. The kind of
> > node doesn't
> > matter - same non-spot occurs with AR-Cluster and DXSpider node
> > software. When a spot is manually typed in, in the same format as CTL-
> > T or ALT-F3 (DX 14020.1 TE1ST), it works fine.
> > Hope this helps Wayne find the problem, and issue an update prior to
> > the CW test.
> If I am reading this thread correctly, I don't think Wayne can fix this one.
> When you type CTRL+T or ALT+F3, WL puts up the dialog box, allows you to
> edit the string, and then sends exactly that string over to the
> packet window. The definition of "packet window" is in WRITELOG.INI:
> pktObject=writelog.pkt.9
> If you have the above, or if you have no "pktObject" entry in WRITELOG.INI,
> then you are getting WL's packet window, and I need to figure out how
> to duplicate the problem. Otherwise, you need to talk to
> the vendor of your packet program about where the packet spots went.
> It has also been reported that the text that appears in the Edit Packet
> Spot window is wrong. That problem is in WL and I am looking for it.
> Wayne
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